

Diary Entry

04th January 2011:
Today we titled and began editing our thriller film on a CS5 programme, we got up to the 12th shot.
We slowed some of the shots down so the duration was longer as we noticed that they were too quick for the scene.

07th January 2011:
Today we added an opening title onto the start of our film. We experimented with different fonts, colours and transactions to and from the opening title into the actual film.

11th January 2011:
We spent today's media lesson searching for appropriate music to go in the background of our thriller. We muted the abient noise on the video in preparation for adding the music.

13th January 2011:
Today was spent by editing more of the film, cropping parts and extending the duration of some shots. The shots that were cropped were placed into the correct order.

14th January 2011:
We continued to edit our film further and mute the sound on the shots so we could add background music. The choice of background music is still being considered, we're taking into account the different moods portrayed in the varied scenes. Because the genre of our film is a thriller we decided to reduce the brightness of the shots to add a more tense atmosphere.

17th January 2011:
Today we continued editing the thriller and rearranged some of the shots so the flow was better. We found some quick cuts in the film but added cross cuts to make it work. Some of the shots ended too quickly so we had to reduce the duration, this meant that some of the movements in the shots may appear to be too slow but we had to settle with it.

18th January 2011:
The cutting of the shots was finished today and we muted the sound in the neccessary shots so no background noise was an issue. We discussed and added one piece of music to the first section of the film. We made plans on what to do next lesson, which are to add more background music, increase the volume of the dialogue, to create a better transaction of credits at the beginning and to end this extract of the thriller with the title.

20th January 2011:
We got rid of any jump shots in the film and ensured that all of the clips were in the correct order. The music was added and the duration of some shots were extended to try to make them more in time with the rhythm of the music. Our music choice was selected and imported onto the film after finding the correct type of tension building rhythm.


We started off the thriller with the production name and faded it out into the victim innocently cleaning up around the bed room; the reason for this was to show her vulnerability as a house wife. We had her walking slowly so show how unexpected the following events of her finding out the double life that her husband is living.
It changed scene to outside the house, where her husband is walking down the path, only we the audience do not realise that it is just yet. The idea of this was to create tension and a fear of the unknown. The camera is angled from his point of view to show the steps he is taking, showing how close he is to Lilly who is still unaware that he is there. A close up of his hand opening the door follows this as we, the audience, think that that is the hand of the villain and instantly assume scenarios.
Cutting between the shots of his feet walking up the stairs one by one and Lilly bending down to pick something off the floor and finding his bag is a metaphor for how close he is getting to her and how she is one step closer to danger each time.
When the shot of his feet at the top of the stairs is shown, it is followed by a bird’s eye view shot of Lilly looking down. This portrays him to be looking down at her and the fact that she is on the floor suggests that she is even more vulnerable and not in control as he has the jurisdiction.
At the end of the opening sequence, the couple are stood facing each other, speechlessly. The close up shots of their faces are separated by shots of him murdering people, these shots are images of what he is thinking, his memories and his explanation, making up for his lack of speech. These memories start off at a slow pace, gradually getting quicker as he shoots someone, killing them. This creates tension and anticipation for the rest of the film.
Towards the end of the first two minutes, the director and editor credits appear on the screen, in white writing in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Reason being, so the audience can still see the action appearing and the white writing because the footage is dark so it will stand out more. The reason the footage is dark is to add to the vulnerability of the victim, creating tension, as a code and convention in thrillers is a dark setting. The lighting slowly reduces as he walks up the stairs, suggesting to the audience that something bad is going to happen soon.

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